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What works best: Shorter or longer ad units?
The Marketer’s Guide to Improving TV and Video Advertising via Ad Length.
Rethinking video ads could make advertising work better overall – because in media spending, seconds count to both marketers and consumers. Mediassociates, a media planning, buying and optimization agency, recently ex- amined numerous media research studies and ongoing ad campaigns to answer these questions…
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Why Did Tim Cook Launch the Apple Watch?
The most unremarked thing about Apple’s launch of its new Watch and larger iPhone 6 models is how these devices were required to save Steve Job’s company from the train wreck it approached in sales. Unit sales growth, as measured year over year, was plateauing for both the iPhone and the iPad — creating an enormously dangerous position for Apple as investors began sizing up Google, Samsung and even Microsoft mobile device alternatives. Investors want annual growth — because if you can’t beat 8% or 10% growth year over year, you might as well put your funds in a Vanguard index — and Apple was not delivering.
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Learn How Google Patented Crowd Personalization.
At the SXSW ubertech conference in 2014, Robert Scoble said the big news about wearable technology isn’t what it allows you to do (capture video via glasses or monitor health stats on your wrist) but rather the data it captures about you. Wearable tech is lled with sensors that watch what you do, where you go, and what you like. Google Glass, for instance, has a gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetic eld detector, light sensor, location sensors, touchpad, camera/video input, sound input, and sensor tracking your eye movements so you can wink to take a picture. Privacy advocates freak out over what large data companies could do with all of this information, since your hand motions, heartbeats and eye movements can signal, for instance, whether you are lying.
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Most Online Video Ads are Unseen. Let’s Fix That.
A recent study found that 57% of all online video ads are not ‘viewable.’ Download our whitepaper showing 10 ways marketers can solve this puzzle.
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Learn The 7 Steps of Advertising Measurement
If you are a marketing executive facing the challenge of making advertising work, download our free whitepaper using the form at right to learn seven steps for improving ad campaign performance. We discuss how to prioritize marketing metrics; collect only the data most important in optimizing campaigns; and how to build a “forward-facing dashboard” that allows you to control future results.
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